Spilling the Beans is Out Now!
Spilling the Beans:
A Guide for Indians to Understand and Communicate Successfully with U.S. Americans
TRUMP OR OBAMA? To understand why an American would have voted for either man, this book unwraps key U.S. American values primarily for the Indian reader. Through the author’s sharing of his personal experiences, stories, a bit of U.S. history, and anecdotes, the reader will gain insights into what makes an American tick. Whether you are a student at an American college or would like to be, an outsourced consultant, American company employee or a tour guide, the expression “Do something, don't just sit there” will begin to make sense to you. A willingness to shift your habits and behaviors if necessary to be successful with them is the open invitation. The author, cross-cultural consultant David C. Sanford, spent his adolescence in Delhi and makes frequent trips from his U.S. home to India. Regardless of what country you may be from, this book provides you with a window into the American psyche, and offers concrete suggestions of how to dance with them either face-to-face or virtually.
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David C. Sanford